RGH’s Past Performance
Selected Examples of Past Performance:
(Realizing Global Health was formerly known as MIDEGO)
Small Business Set Aside
Prime Contractor
Period of Performance: 2014-2019
Prime of a consortium that includes 24 innovative small businesses. Our goal is to bring innovative and sustainable solutions to chronic problems in the health systems in Africa. These problems prevent sustainable results and prevent donors from making a bigger impact. Led by RGH, a health systems strengthening company, our partners bring breakthroughs in governance, research, healthcare delivery, public health program management, technology, health information systems, social marketing and more. Click here to visit our website
Grant Management Solutions (GMS 2) Project
IQC –Subcontract: Management Sciences for Health
Period of Performance: 10/1/12 – 9/30/17
Under the GMS project, RGH successfully implements the project’s documentation and communication strategy, producing over 120 documents and reports a year, and has implemented over 20 task orders including assignments in Nicaragua, Nigeria, Zambia, Cote d’Ivoire, Papua New Guinea, Kyrgyzstan, and South Sudan.
Project Website: www.gmsproject.org
Grant Management Solutions (GMS) Project
IQC –Subcontract: Management Sciences for Health
Period of Performance: 2007-2012
Under the GMS project, RGH successfully implemented the project’s documentation and communication strategy, producing over 200 documents, success stories. and reports a year, and has implemented over 40 task orders including Jordan, Papua New Guinea, Nepal, Bangladesh, Comoros Island, Central African Republic, DRC, Burundi, Mexico, Morocco, Swaziland, Sierra Leone, Senegal, East Timor, Liberia, Kyrgyzstan, and Mongolia.
Project Website: www.gmsproject.org
Nepal Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning
IQC – subcontract: CAMRIS International.
Period of Performance: 2015-2020
RGH is in charge of providing project evaluation services of health projects and online training. RGH led the team that conducted the midterm evaluation of the “Health 4 Life” project funded by USAID/Nepal. January-March 2016.
Challenge TB Program Support
Prime Sole Source
Period of Performance: April – November 2015
RGH provided a Tuberculosis (TB) Specialist to work with the Challenge TB Program for 6 months. Our job was to help streamline the project startup, mentor staff, put systems in place to help them work better and communicate their efforts to the USAID HIV/AIDS Office in Nigeria. RGH also assisted the Challenge TB Program to implement the USAID Mission’s strategic planning, project design, performance monitoring, evaluation, and communication efforts.
“Realizing Global Health performed in an outstanding manner for this consultancy”. -USAID/Nigeria
USAID Swaziland
Swaziland USAID/EPAS Project Evaluation
Prime Sole Source
Period of Performance: May – September 2014
RGH conducted an external performance evaluation of the Swaziland USAID/EPAS project. The evaluation assessed the quality of implementation, documented lessons learned, explored challenges and accomplishments, and provided strategic guidance for the remaining years of the project and follow-on activities. Click here to read the report.
“The draft evaluation report produced by the contractor was well received by the Swaziland team and provided some really useful lessons learned from the implementation of the project as well as some useful design recommendations.”
-USAID/Southern Africa
Angola Essential Health Services Program/Serviços Essencias de Saúde
Subcontract: Chemonics International
Period of performance: 10/10/06 to 05/30/11
RGH managed improving the management of infectious diseases, monitoring the quality of care in 292 facilities in Angola and provided short–term technical assistance in communication and behavior change and pharmaceutical management. RGH provided training and personalized coaching of individuals and groups in service delivery, malaria, TB and family planning.
HIV/AIDS Care and Treatment RFA Writing
Prime Sole Source
Period of Performance: 6/1/10 to 07/15/10
RGH developed and wrote the scope of work for related request for applications.
USAID/Jamaica HIV/AIDS Program Strategy
Prime Sole Source
Period of Performance: March 2008
RGH conducted an evaluation of USAID/Jamaica HIV/AIDS program and made recommendations for the future country strategy by developing creative options on how USAID, as a relatively small player in the HIV/AIDS sector, can maximize the impact of USG funding.
Individual Clients
RGH had provided consulting services and conducted the following selected project evaluations:
- Final performance evaluation of the USAID/Malawi Community-based Therapeutic Care Institutionalization (CTCIM) project. – Social Impact, 2013
- Midterm evaluation of the USAID/Nigeria Targeted States High Impact Project. – The Mitchell Group, 2012
- Evaluation of the Immunization Threshold Program of the Millennium Challenge Corporation in Peru. – Social Impact, 2011
RGH has also trained hundreds of health professionals online and on site on various topics in Global Health, Healthcare Management, Training of Trainers, and Strategies for Improved Aid Effectiveness.
Some of our clients include:
World Learning, Social Impact, The Mitchell Group, Africare, IntraHealth, WorldVision, Care, Curamericas, Songhai Health Trust Limited HMO (Nigeria), United Health Care HMO (Nigeria), Clearline HMO (Nigeria), PATH, Call to Serve, FHI360, and Project HOPE.
Contact Us
- "MIDEGO [Realizing Global Health] had a well-qualified evaluation team with the expertise to conduct this evaluation. The inception report provided by the evaluation was a good reflection of the proposal MIDEGO [Realizing Global Health] had provided."USAID/Southern Africa
- "The draft evaluation report produced by the contractor was well received by the Swaziland team and provided some really useful lessons learned from the implementation of the project as well as some useful design recommendations."USAID/Southern Africa
- “It has been a pleasure working with your team and we look forward to your continued support in the region”.Charles MandivenyiPerformance Management, Evaluation and Learning Specialist, USAID/Southern Africa
- “[The program] was fantastic! I am more confident now interacting with public health professionals because now I know I have a valuable contribution towards improving the health of vulnerable groups.”Pam MutuaKenya
- "RGH was very responsive, knowledgeable and flexible to meet the training needs of the participants"Holly McCandlessProgram Officer
- "Given what I know today about the contractor's ability to perform in accordance with this contract or order's most significant requirements, I would recommend them for similar requirements in the future."USAID Nigeria